“Div@ter – dynamic and interactive platform to manage complex-sensitive data of the territory“ is a project promoted by LYNX s.r.l. in ATI with S2S s.r.l. and with the scientific support of the Istituto di Ricerche sulle Attività Terziarie del CNR (IRAT-CNR).
The project is co-financed by Filas for the two-year period 2013-2015 within the line POR FESR Lazio 2007/2013 Asse I – Attività’ I.1 “Progetti di RSI delle PMI”.
The objective of Div@ter project is the creation of a web platform for managing the data of a territory according to the “complex/sensitive” method.
Div@ter will in effect be a Geographical Business Intelligence tool dedicated to the re/planning of the territory, conceived as a single platform but with different entry points, both reserved and public: for local authorities, for businesses, for citizens.
The first field of application is the design of infrastructures that allows the creation of businesses in new sectors and/or transformation of traditional sectors.
In this sense, another target of Div@ter is the company, both the large one which needs to plan its investments, and the medium and small business which must make redevelopment and repositioning choices.
The creation of a Joint working group, even if virtual, will allow to increase, but also to protect, new investments, supporting every development proposal with objective data and measurable indicators, made sensitive through immediate representations on digital maps and infographics of the statistics and data.