Sistema della Sicurezza
The software that offers the performance managment under the D.lgs.81/08. It’s a support for the companies certified with OHSAS 18001 and the ones in the process of getting this certification.
The software that offers the performance managment under the D.lgs.81/08. It’s a support for the companies certified with OHSAS 18001 and the ones in the process of getting this certification.
Hypertext Navigation Sistem for company Governance manuals. It produces intelligent documents that highlight: actors, process, referenced organization charts and its used documents.
Dynamic management sistem of personel evaluation models based by the defined companies directive.
Soonape, investee company by S2S, has developped an intelligent and very precise applicatione that learns the hidric behaviour of every single agricultural terrain and warns you with a 5 day notice when to irrigate and how much water to use for each field. A valuable tool to save costs in irrigation.
ANSELM is a powerful open-source Data Analytics and Visualization framework for descriptive and prescriptive data analysis. It builds and transforms datasets and uses business applications by applying predictive Business Insight tools to go beyond data analysis.